Thursday, May 28, 2009

Run Boy Run! (Camelot!)

So, Camelot is definitely a Christian worldview. The whole last scene, like we talked about in class, put Arthur as a God figure. When he knights the boy and tells him to go tell everyone about Camelot, it is just like the Great Commission. There is also a sacrifice involved. Arthur chooses love above the law to save Gwenevere even though no one will respect him and his round table is destroyed because of the damage their affair caused. On a happier note, I thought this movie was really entertaining. It is probably partly because I like musicals, but it was just a good story. I think it is super funny that everyone was singing a happy song when Gwenevere is about to be executed though. Lancelot's accent was also very funny. The actors are really good and fun to watch, especially Arthur.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Planet of the Apes

Planet of the Apes was definitely Secular Humanist. The entire movie was addressing evolution. It was kind of scary to think about though. If you believed in evolution, then you could totally be worrying about your "species" being destroyed and apes taking over. Plus, the whole heresy thing was Secular Humanist too because they didn't want truth or evidence, they were believing what society had decided was truth: Man is not able to think or speak. Man is lower than monkeys. Even when they had an example of an evolved man, Taylor's partner, the head scientist "cut up his brain" so he could not be used to prove man's intelligence. Secular Humanists do not want truth. I think the most entertaining part was the cheesiness of the whole thing. Some of the graphics and a few of the lines were just ridiculous. The whole thing was kind of ruined for me though because we watched the end in CWS. I knew the entire time that they were on earth and humanity had collapsed to the point where apes took over. It's a crazy thought that one day our society could collapse, but that is what we are learning about in CWS, so I guess I've thought about it a lot lately. I am really glad that I am a Christian because life would be so scary if you believed it is possible for apes to take over, and man would become like animals with no value.

Friday, May 15, 2009

STRANGER than Fiction

Stranger than Fiction is definitely a Postmodern movie. The entire story is metafiction. Harold Crick is living out a story within a story being written. Then, when Harold figures out what is going on, finds the author, and reads the story, he tells he author that it's okay to kill him because it is a beautiful story. They are praising chaos, saying it is okay to knowingly commit murder if it makes the story brilliant. Reality is determined by the author, not the ones actually living out the story. Also, throughout the entire movie, Harold is asking WHY? Why is all this stuff happening to him? Why is there a voice narrating his life? However, even with the postmodern aspects, I think that this movie is incredibly clever when you hear the random things the writer did like naming all the characters after mathematicians when Harold is constantly thinking about numbers or how the store near the bakery was called Drury Lane. Also, the watch being a character is a cool concept because I never really thought about that the first time I watched the movie. The whole story kind of revolves around the watch and what it wants to do to control Harold's life. The only thing I do not like is how they just accept death or at least the professor encourages Harold to let the author kill him off because it would make the story a masterpiece. They don't seem to value human life until the very end when the author saves him. The movie does do a really good job of adding in comedy, though, because without the little jokes like the "flours," this movie would be incredibly depressing and hopeless.