Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Ros and Guil still not dead!

       This is one of the most confusing stories I have ever read.  Not even the characters in the story understand what is happening.  One minute, everyone is positive that a coin will end up heads, but just when you think you know what will happen, it lands on tails.  Nothing stays constant.  Plus, the whole metafiction aspect is so strange to me.  I think of everything as black and white.  So, to me, Ros and Guil are either watching the players acting out Hamlet, or they magically appear in Hamlet's court and are in the other play.  They cannot be both, but apparently, in postmodern writing, anything can happen.  Both could be happening at the same time.  That makes me get a headache just trying to understand, but at the same time, it is really funny.  Despite all the time I spend trying to get what exactly is going on, I cannot help but laugh at their ridiculous, confused conversations.  In a way, all the confusion is worth it because the word play is so entertaining that I end up enjoying the story anyways. My favorite line from Act I is on page 41.  
Ros: "Shouldn't we be doing something- constructive?"
Guil:"What did you have in mind?... A short, blunt human pyramid...?"

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